Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Foots and Ends

Hello and happy Tuesday. To those of you In the States, there is still a decent amount of Tuesday left, and I do hope you enjoy it.

My Tuesday was quite normal as weekdays go. After breakfast it was off to the library (with Caiti and Julia) again to review the second draft of my Henry VIII midterm. I felt pretty good about the content so I decided to get formatting out of the way. As it turns out, when I wrote my bigger-than-the-earth Poly Sci paper and was introduced to Chicago-style notations last semester, knowing how to do it came in handy. History papers, and professors, like footnotes and end notes. I can do footnotes or end notes. The second time around with a 5 page paper is much easier to cite than the first time, 19 pages. Go figure.

In other news, Shakespeare class went very well. We discussed last week's performance of Merchant in Stratford and watched a film that did a much better portrayal of Portia and the court room scene. Surprisingly, the class was pretty divided in opinions on the live play. Either way, you either loved it or hated it, no inbetween. I still vote that they did Portia a major injustice in her portrayal as Southern Barbie.

I received my first written grade of the term so far for my first Shakespeare essay (A-) which makes me quite happy since I'm a rising sophomore taking a 700 level (technically senior level) course. Nice. Now I am off to my next play, All's Well that Ends Well, in preparation for a quiz on Thursday. That along with finishing up my midterm essay will make the rest of the week a bit crazy, but I have a beautiful weekend in London to look forward to.


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