Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's Been a Long Time Coming

Today was the last day of my broken record routine writing! I actually have more to say today than, "Hey, I did some reading and writing today." I'm glad for all of you reading though, I feel bad for boring you with monotonous papers and Shakespeare and monarchs. Instead, I'll inform you briefly of the killer exam I endured today. For my history exam, I had two hours to write three essays. I wrote one about the ways Mary QS was a successful monarch, one about why Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate failed and did a source analysis on documents from Charles I's reign detailing the portrayal of a monarch after his death. All of these topics I didn't have until I opened the exam booklet at the beginning of class. Good thing I did my reading. Now that I am finished my hands feel like jelly from the feverish writing. Hopefully when I get the exam back (11am tomorrow, wow!) I'll feel the much wanted happiness of completion and a job well done.

I am currently just one Shakespeare presentation away from academic freedom! I have a bit of time between tea and dinner so I'll work a bit and have this puppy wrapped up by morning. Its exciting and sad all at once to know its almost over. It seems like I got here yesterday, as cliche as that sounds. Its true though, I've grown accustomed to walking the courtyards of Caius and busy streets of Cambridge, being assaulted my punters and visiting the market for bread. Enough of that wishy washy stuff! Tonight I'll have fun with the group in honor of the end of the exams. Or I'll just go to bed at 9 because I'm brain dead. Either way, tomorrow is final class, banquet and packing up to be out by noon on Friday and back to the good old USA. My, how time flies.


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