Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Merchant of... Wherever You Deem Best

It was another tired and busy day today. Most of my morning was spent fussing over my Shakespeare midterm essay, being nit-picky and reading it again and again.Once I finally printed and passed it in, it was a bit liberating knowing both of my midterms are now complete.

In class today after discussing All's Well that Ends Well Dr.Hartle gave us information about our final presentation. We each have to pick one of the plays we read and in 10min share with the class how we would perform it in our director shoes. Basically, I could set Merchant in the Tudor court if I so desired. I most likely won't do that, but gotta get the creative juices flowing somehow.

After class it was tea time for the day then Caiti, Julia, Sarah and I went out to do some errands, the post office and H&M, before Caiti and Julia had to come back and get all dolled up for High Table tonight. After dinner it was more reading for history tomorrow and a very brief brainstorm for my Shakespeare final.

One more day until Edinburgh, eyes on the prize!


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